Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This blogging exercise is harder than training on the bike. Here are some important tips I picked up since starting a blog.

1) Know where your blog is. This is essential if you hope to have any chance of blogging more than once.
2) Know the password to your blog. Surprise, you created it, now what the heck is it. I can't find the paper I wrote it on. Maybe if I go for a ride it will come to me.
3) Have a purpose or theme for your blog. Mine seems to be to add extra administrative tasks to a schedule that is already overflowing with important work.

Take last Sunday for example:

Get up and let dogs out and retrieve the newspaper (dogs refuse to do tricks this early in the morning). Let dogs in and feed them while making coffee. Give dogs leftover foam from the morning cappuccinos. (Is it me or do these damned dogs seemed to be getting an extraordinary amount of attention.) Take cappuccinos and paper into bedroom where Robin and I and the dogs lounge around for about an hour.

Get up and walk the dogs four miles, have some breakfast then perhaps a nap because even though it is only 11:00 the dogs and I are too tuckered out and confused to find my blog and remember my password.

Holy cow, where did the time go. I just dozed off reading the paper and now it is already time to watch cycling on Versus with Phil and Paul and Bobke while I have a lite snack. It has to be lite because I still hold out the possibility that I may get on the indoor trainer after I fix whatever that thing was the Robin asked me about last year.

But first, walk the dogs and then feed them.

It seems to me after reading this that these dogs are holding me back. I could have been way more successful in just about every one of my life's endeavors had it not been for them. And, well, all of the naps, etc.

So, in retrospect it seems that the dogs and I are just lazy and focus on eating and none of us wants to go out in the cold, snowy, icy weather to train.

Whew, I feel so much better.

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